Quick Springs! The Bundle

Quick Springs! The Bundle

Instructors: learning@springup.in


Welcome to the Maya Learns Series! Meet the twins Maya & Amay as they navigate through life and learn various skills with the help of their family and the super helpful SpringER.

This series has 5 Learning Modules:
1) Maya Learns Self Control
2) Maya Learns to Respect
3) Amay Wants to Hide
4) Maya has a bad mood
5) Amay Learns to Appreciate

Each Learning Module is in 4 parts:
1. A fun narration which will introduce the skill to your child.
2. A quiz to check understanding
3. Activities to further strengthen the learning
4. Don’t miss reading the parent notes.

We hope you enjoy it! Please do write to us if you want to know more about the upcoming skills.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Self Control

This session teaches your child skills to self regulate and work on impulses especially with screen time. They will learn what happens to their body and brain when they have excess screen time & how they can practise self control.

Module 2: Respect

We often tell our children to be respectful. But do they really know what that means? This session teaches your child what respect practically looks and sounds like and why they need to use it.

Module 3: Shyness

This session teaches your child how to deal with shyness in themselves or in a friend. What happens in your body, what are the many things you miss and what can you do about being shy?

Module 4: Moods

This session teaches your child what happens when things don’t go your way. Do you have a bad mood? What do you do with your bad mood? Can you work with your thoughts and feelings? Do you have the power of choice?

Module 5: Appreciating Others

This session teaches your child what to do when they feel Jealous. Do they feel bad when someone does better than them? Can they work through Jealousy and learn to appreciate them?

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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