Our Journey

Anjali’s journey as a mother to twins and a chance workshop she did with children opened up a whole new world of possibilities and needs that aren't usually being met at school and at home today. She realised it was easier for children to learn these essential life skills without the baggage of adulthood.

A gold medalist in Mass Communication from the University of Mysore, Anjali was trained in the Communicative Methodology of Training and had worked with adults for about a decade. She then completed two levels of certification in School Leadership for Social Emotional and Character Development from the Academy of Social Emotional Development in Schools, a part of Rutgers University, USA. She brought together all her skills and work experience to set up SpringUP.

SpringUP began from her home and has grown into a community of like-minded parents and educators. The programs grew around the learning needs of her own children and the children she started working with.

Anjali Kariappa Chengapa

The SpringUP Learning Space

SpringUP’s learning spaces are designed for parents who understand the need for the holistic development of children but may be pressed for time even with the best of intentions. It teaches children foundational and real-life experience-based skills which parents can further bolster with the right vocabulary, conversations and experiences.SpringUP is designed to be a buddy for parents.

The SpringUP Collaborative

SpringUP has a team of diverse and experienced facilitators. Every SpringUP facilitator has undergone extensive training and has gone through our unique onboarding experience. With diversity and inclusion being one of our core values, every person in our team brings in a unique outlook and will add to the curriculum and experience of every learner.

Juhi Tayel
Juhi is a nature lover, travel enthusiast and a seeker. From working with children in schools to being a communications coach at corporate houses she brings with her more than 20 years of coaching and training experience.She is a Certified NLP Practitioner by Richard Bandler. Her journey towards her Yoga Acharya Certification Program further strengthened her intention towards working with children for holistic wellness and alignment of the body & mind.
Elizabeth Jans
Elizabeth is a mentor, coach and a trained facilitator in experiential learning. She has worked with corporate houses and the Hospitality industry for over a decade. She is a Landmark Worldwide graduate and has a Leadership Certification from the Dale Carnegie Institute. Being authentic and in integrity is an every moment goal of hers. She is a keen advocate to empower children with SEL skills early on.Her quick wit and ready laughter make her a much loved friend and facilitator.
Ankita is an educator and a nature enthusiast. She enjoys working with children on self, nature & art based explorations. She finds joy spending time in the natural environment, observing and documenting small happenings in nature. She has been working as an educator for over 7 years now in the areas of language, nature, social & emotional skill development. She has a BA honors in Psychology from Christ University and an MA in Education from Azim Premji University
Nenita Praveen
Nenita Praveen is a Movement and Body Vocabulary Facilitator. She is a dance performer, teacher and educator trained in Bharatanatyam, and a certified Yoga instructor. She believes that awareness of the body and mind brings in emotional & social well being. She finds joy working with children and enjoys the creative challenge that a dynamic classroom setting brings with it. Nenita holds a Masters degree in Bharatanatyam and a Bachelors degree in Architecture. She has also completed Awareness Through Body -Course 1.
Laxmi Rao
Laxmi has been working with children for over 20 years in schools as a teacher, coordinator and as a Special Educator. She is a reading activist and has a keen interest in art & narration integrated experiential learning to facilitate skills development in children.She has done her M.Sc in Psychology and B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) in English & Special Education.
Vishnu Vimal
Vishnu Vimal is an artist and facilitatior. From being a software developer in the IT sector to being a theatre actor, singer and trained Bharatnatyam dancer, he wears many hats. He is passionate about working with children and bringing in his creativity to the learning space.
Shalini Agarwal
Shalini believes it is never too late to pursue your dreams. As a SpringUP mom she has been an involved parent in her child's SEL journey and has been a strong advocate of the programs. She now joins us in the classroom after a PG Diploma in International Teachers Training from London College of Teachers & Trainers. She believes in the importance of inner work and curiosity to learn to keep growing.

The Team

Arvind is a music lover, swimmer and a learner. He enjoys working with people and finds joy in exchanging ideas and perspectives in a social set-up. He has worked previously with The/Nudge Foundation as an English & Life Skills Facilittaor. He has an educational background in English Literature. Arvind believes that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has the power to shape young minds to be mindful and authentic.
Operations Manager
Vasudev handles the Operations at SpringUP. He believes Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lays an important foundation in children's lives and goes a long way in helping them become the best versions of themselves. He has completed his graduation in Computer Science. He brings with him the diverse experience of volunteering & teaching for a children's NGO and working for a tech giant.
Program Support Lead
Madhuri handles the material logistics and classroom assistance that is needed for the execution of our programs. She brings in her infectious energy and her never say die attitude. She believes every problem has a solution and can be fixed. She has a degree in Commerce.
Design Support Lead
Mounica handles the execution of program material designs and brings in her creativity to the workspace. Her eye for detail and her meticulous work make her an able class assisstant too. She has a diploma in teacher's training and is currently pursuing a degree in Science.

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